slag_synthesis - Compute 1D spherical Laguerre Synthesis Default usage : f = slag_synthesis(fn, P, <options>) where P is the harmonic band-limit, fn is a vector of size P, the output f is a vector of size P, You must specify either the noded of the sampling or the radial limit R (default: 1.0) Options : 'P' = { Band-limit; P > 1 (default=guessed) } 'R' = { double (default=1.0) } 'nodes' = { double (default=0.0) } FLAG package to perform 3D Fourier-Laguerre Analysis Copyright (C) 2012 Boris Leistedt & Jason McEwen See LICENSE.txt for license details
0001 function [f, nodes] = slag_synthesis(fn, varargin) 0002 0003 % slag_synthesis - Compute 1D spherical Laguerre Synthesis 0004 % 0005 % Default usage : 0006 % 0007 % f = slag_synthesis(fn, P, <options>) 0008 % 0009 % where P is the harmonic band-limit, 0010 % fn is a vector of size P, 0011 % the output f is a vector of size P, 0012 % You must specify either the noded of the sampling 0013 % or the radial limit R (default: 1.0) 0014 % 0015 % Options : 0016 % 'P' = { Band-limit; P > 1 (default=guessed) } 0017 % 'R' = { double (default=1.0) } 0018 % 'nodes' = { double (default=0.0) } 0019 % 0020 % FLAG package to perform 3D Fourier-Laguerre Analysis 0021 % Copyright (C) 2012 Boris Leistedt & Jason McEwen 0022 % See LICENSE.txt for license details 0023 0024 sz = size(fn); 0025 Pguessed = max([sz(1) sz(2)]); 0026 0027 p = inputParser; 0028 p.addRequired('fn', @isnumeric); 0029 p.addParamValue('P', Pguessed, @isnumeric); 0030 p.addParamValue('Nodes', 0.0, @isnumeric); 0031 p.addParamValue('R', 1.0, @isnumeric); 0032 p.parse(fn, varargin{:}); 0033 args = p.Results; 0034 0035 [f, nodes] = slag_synthesis_mex(fn, args.P, args.R, args.Nodes); 0036 0037 end