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function s2let_plot_curvelet_tiling(B, L, J_min, varargin)


  - Plot the tiling of scaling functions and curvelets in harmonic space.
  - then plot the scaling functions and curvelets in real space. 

 Default usage :

   s2let_plot_curvelet_tiling(B, L, J_min, <options>)

 B is the curvelet dilation parameter,
 L is the angular band-limit,
 J_min the first wavelet to be used.

 % Valid options include:

  'Spin'        = { Spin; (default=0) }
  'SpinLowered' = { true  [Apply normalisation factors for spin-lowered
                           wavelets and scaling function.],
                    false [Apply the usual normalisation factors such
                           that the wavelets fulfil the admissibility
                           condition (default)]}
  'SpinLoweredFrom' = [integer; if the SpinLowered option is used, this
                       option indicates which spin number the wavelets
                       should be lowered from (default = 0)]

 S2LET package to perform Wavelet Transform on the Sphere.
 Copyright (C) 2012-2016  Boris Leistedt, Jennifer Chan & Jason McEwen
 See LICENSE.txt for license details


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function s2let_plot_curvelet_tiling(B, L, J_min, varargin)
0002 % s2let_plot_curvelet_tiling
0003 %  - Plot the tiling of scaling functions and curvelets in harmonic space.
0004 %  - then plot the scaling functions and curvelets in real space.
0005 %
0006 % Default usage :
0007 %
0008 %   s2let_plot_curvelet_tiling(B, L, J_min, <options>)
0009 %
0010 % B is the curvelet dilation parameter,
0011 % L is the angular band-limit,
0012 % J_min the first wavelet to be used.
0013 %
0014 % % Valid options include:
0015 %
0016 %  'Spin'        = { Spin; (default=0) }
0017 %  'SpinLowered' = { true  [Apply normalisation factors for spin-lowered
0018 %                           wavelets and scaling function.],
0019 %                    false [Apply the usual normalisation factors such
0020 %                           that the wavelets fulfil the admissibility
0021 %                           condition (default)]}
0022 %  'SpinLoweredFrom' = [integer; if the SpinLowered option is used, this
0023 %                       option indicates which spin number the wavelets
0024 %                       should be lowered from (default = 0)]
0025 %
0026 % -----------------------------------------------------------
0027 % S2LET package to perform Wavelet Transform on the Sphere.
0028 % Copyright (C) 2012-2016  Boris Leistedt, Jennifer Chan & Jason McEwen
0029 % See LICENSE.txt for license details
0030 % -----------------------------------------------------------
0032 % Parse arguments.
0033 p = inputParser;
0034 p.addRequired('B', @isnumeric);
0035 p.addRequired('L', @isnumeric);
0036 p.addRequired('J_min', @isnumeric);
0037 p.addParamValue('Spin', 0, @isnumeric);
0038 p.addParamValue('SpinLowered', false, @islogical);
0039 p.addParamValue('SpinLoweredFrom', 0, @isnumeric);
0040 p.parse(B, L, J_min, varargin{:});
0042 args = p.Results;
0044 B = args.B;
0045 L = args.L;
0046 J_min = args.J_min;
0047 Spin = args.Spin;
0048 J = s2let_jmax(L, B);
0050 % ---------------
0051 % Tile curvelets:
0052 % ---------------
0053 [cur_lm scal_l] = s2let_curvelet_tiling(args.B, args.L, args.J_min, ...
0054                                         'Spin', args.Spin, 'SpinLowered', args.SpinLowered,...
0055                                         'SpinLoweredFrom',args.SpinLoweredFrom);
0057 % Normalise and reshape the scaling functions:
0058 el_min = max(abs(args.Spin), abs(args.SpinLoweredFrom));
0059 kappa0_cur = zeros(1,L);
0060 for el = el_min:L-1
0061  kappa0_cur(1,el+1) = scal_l(el^2+el+1,1)/sqrt((2*el+1)/(4.0*pi)) ;
0062 end 
0064 % Normalise and reshape the curvelet functions:
0065 kappa_cur = zeros(J+1,L);
0066 for j = J_min:J
0067  for el= el_min:L-1
0068   % ind = l^2 +l + m + 1 ; now consider m =  el;
0069   kappa_cur(j+1,el+1) = cur_lm{j-J_min+1}(1,el^2+el+el+1)/ ...
0070                         (sqrt(1./2.)* sqrt((2*el+1)/(8.0*pi*pi))) ;
0071  end
0072 end 
0075 % Set for the output figures:
0076 pltroot = '../../../figs/' ;
0077 configstr = ['Spin',int2str(args.Spin),...
0078              '_L',int2str(L),'_B',int2str(B),...
0079              '_Jmin',int2str(J_min)];
0082 %
0083 xi =0:0.01:L-1;
0084 x = 0:L-1;
0085 % ------------
0086 % Plot the tiling of the scaling function:
0087 % ------------
0088 figure('Position',[100 100 900 450])
0089 yi = interp1(x, kappa0_cur, xi,'pchip');
0090 semilogx(xi, yi, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
0091   %h = text(2, 1.07, 'k0', 'Color', [0 0 0]);
0092 hold on;
0093 % ------------
0094 % Plot the tiling of the curvelet kernels :
0095 % ------------
0096 for j = J_min:J
0097   colour = rand(1,3)*0.9;
0098   yi = interp1(x,kappa_cur(j+1,:),xi,'pchip');
0099   plot(xi, yi, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', colour);
0100   %h = text(B.^j, 1.07, strcat('j',num2str(j+1)), 'Color', colour);
0101 end
0103 %title('Harmonic tiling');
0104 %xlabel('l');
0105 axis([0 L -0.05 1.15]);
0106 set(gca,'XTick',2.^[0:(J+2)]);
0107 fname = [pltroot,'s2let_plot_cur_tiling_', configstr, '.png']
0108 print('-r200', '-dpng', fname);
0112 % ----------------------------
0113 % Plot the scaling function in real space:
0114 % ----------------------------
0115 nx = 3;
0116 ny = 3;
0117 [thetas, phis, n, ntheta, nphi] = ssht_sampling(L);
0118 figure('Position',[100 100 900 200]) 
0119 h = subplot(nx, ny, 1);
0120 f = ssht_inverse(scal_l, L, 'Reality', true);
0121 plot(thetas, f(:,1), '-k', 'LineWidth', 2)
0122 mx = 1.1*max(f(:,1));
0123 axis([0 3. -mx/8 mx ]) 
0125 % ----------------------------
0126 % Plot the curvelet kernels in real space:
0127 % ----------------------------
0128 Jmax = J;
0129 for j = J_min:Jmax
0130    h = subplot(nx, ny, j-J_min+2);
0131    hold on
0132    flm = zeros(L^2,1);
0133     for el = el_min:L-1
0134         flm(el^2+el+1,1) = kappa_cur(j+1,el+1);
0135     end  
0136    f = ssht_inverse(flm, L, 'Reality', true);
0137    plot(thetas, f(:,1), '-k', 'LineWidth', 2) 
0138    mx = 1.1*max(f(:,1));
0139    axis([0 3. -mx/1.5 mx ])
0140 end 
0141 fname = [pltroot,'s2let_plot_cur_tiling_fn_real', configstr, '.png']
0142 print('-r200', '-dpng', fname);
0144 end

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