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function [f_cur, f_scal] = s2let_transform_curvelet_analysis_px2cur(f_init, varargin)


 Compute (spin) curvelet transform,
 input in pixel space,
 output in curvelet space.

 Default usage :

   [f_cur, f_scal] = s2let_transform_curvelet_analysis_px2cur(f_init, <options>)

 f_init is the input field in pixel space,
 f_cur contains the output curvelet contributions,
 f_scal contains the output scaling contributions. 

 Option :
  'B'               = { Dilation factor; B > 1 (default=2) }
  'L'               = { Harmonic band-limit; L > 1 (default=guessed from input) }
  'J_min'           = { Minimum curvelet scale to consider;
  'Spin'            = { Spin; (default=0) }
                        0 <= J_min < log_B(L) (default=0) }
  'Reality'         = { false        [do not assume corresponding signal f real (default)],
                        true         [assume f real (improves performance)] }
  'Upsample'        = { false        [multiresolution algorithm (default)],
                        true         [full resolution curvelets] }
  'SpinLowered'     = { true  [Apply normalisation factors for spin-lowered
                               curvelets and scaling function.],
                        false [Apply the usual normalisation factors such
                               that the curvelets fulfil the admissibility
                               condition (default)]}
  'SpinLoweredFrom' = [integer; if the SpinLowered option is used, this
                       option indicates which spin number the curvelets
                       should be lowered from (default = 0)]

 S2LET package to perform Wavelet Transform on the Sphere.
 Copyright (C) 2015  Boris Leistedt, Martin Büttner,
                     Jennifer Chan & Jason McEwen
 See LICENSE.txt for license details


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [f_cur, f_scal] = s2let_transform_curvelet_analysis_px2cur(f_init, varargin)
0003 % s2let_transform_curvelet_analysis_px2cur
0004 % Compute (spin) curvelet transform,
0005 % input in pixel space,
0006 % output in curvelet space.
0007 %
0008 % Default usage :
0009 %
0010 %   [f_cur, f_scal] = s2let_transform_curvelet_analysis_px2cur(f_init, <options>)
0011 %
0012 % f_init is the input field in pixel space,
0013 % f_cur contains the output curvelet contributions,
0014 % f_scal contains the output scaling contributions.
0015 %
0016 % Option :
0017 %  'B'               = { Dilation factor; B > 1 (default=2) }
0018 %  'L'               = { Harmonic band-limit; L > 1 (default=guessed from input) }
0019 %  'J_min'           = { Minimum curvelet scale to consider;
0020 %  'Spin'            = { Spin; (default=0) }
0021 %                        0 <= J_min < log_B(L) (default=0) }
0022 %  'Reality'         = { false        [do not assume corresponding signal f real (default)],
0023 %                        true         [assume f real (improves performance)] }
0024 %  'Upsample'        = { false        [multiresolution algorithm (default)],
0025 %                        true         [full resolution curvelets] }
0026 %  'SpinLowered'     = { true  [Apply normalisation factors for spin-lowered
0027 %                               curvelets and scaling function.],
0028 %                        false [Apply the usual normalisation factors such
0029 %                               that the curvelets fulfil the admissibility
0030 %                               condition (default)]}
0031 %  'SpinLoweredFrom' = [integer; if the SpinLowered option is used, this
0032 %                       option indicates which spin number the curvelets
0033 %                       should be lowered from (default = 0)]
0034 %
0035 % -----------------------------------------------------------
0036 % S2LET package to perform Wavelet Transform on the Sphere.
0037 % Copyright (C) 2015  Boris Leistedt, Martin Büttner,
0038 %                     Jennifer Chan & Jason McEwen
0039 % See LICENSE.txt for license details
0040 % -----------------------------------------------------------
0042 sz = size(f_init);
0043 if sz(1) == 2*sz(2)-1 || sz(2) == 2*sz(1)-1
0044     Lguessed = min([sz(1) sz(2)]);
0045 else
0046     Lguessed = min([sz(1) sz(2)])-1;
0047 end
0049 p = inputParser;
0050 p.addRequired('flm_init', @isnumeric);
0051 p.addParamValue('B', 2, @isnumeric);
0052 p.addParamValue('L', Lguessed, @isnumeric); 
0053 p.addParamValue('J_min', 0, @isnumeric);
0054 p.addParamValue('Spin', 0, @isnumeric);
0055 p.addParamValue('Reality', false, @islogical);
0056 p.addParamValue('Upsample', false, @islogical);
0057 p.addParamValue('SpinLowered', false, @islogical);
0058 p.addParamValue('SpinLoweredFrom', 0, @isnumeric);
0059 p.addParamValue('Sampling', 'MW', @ischar);
0060 p.parse(f_init, varargin{:});
0061 args = p.Results;
0063 % For curvelets, azimuthal band-limit N always equals to L
0064 N = args.L ; 
0065 J = s2let_jmax(args.L, args.B);
0067 % ---------------
0068 % Construct signals in harmonic space:
0069 % ---------------
0070 flm_init= ssht_forward(f_init, args.L, 'Spin', args.Spin,  'Reality', args.Reality, 'Method', args.Sampling);
0072 % ---------------
0073 % Signal analysis (from harmonic to curvelet space):
0074 % ---------------
0075 [f_cur, f_scal] = s2let_transform_curvelet_analysis_lm2cur(flm_init,  ...
0076                                                            'B',args.B, 'L', args.L, 'J_min', args.J_min, ...
0077                                                            'Spin', args.Spin,'Reality', args.Reality,...
0078                                                            'Upsample', args.Upsample, ...
0079                                                            'SpinLowered', args.SpinLowered, ...
0080                                                            'SpinLoweredFrom',  args.SpinLoweredFrom, ...
0081                                                            'Sampling', args.Sampling);
0083 % Clear arrary memory:
0084 flm_init = 0;
0086 end

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