s2fft is currently in an open beta, please provide feedback on GitHub


A series of tutorial notebooks which go through the absolute base level application of S2FFT apis. Post alpha release we will add examples for more involved applications, in the time being feel free to contact contributors for advice! At a high-level the S2FFT package is structured such that the 2 primary transforms, the Wigner and spherical harmonic transforms, can easily be accessed.

Core usage 🚀#

To import and use S2FFT is as simple follows:

For a signal on the sphere

# Compute harmonic coefficients
flm = s2fft.forward_jax(f, L)

# Map back to pixel-space signal
f = s2fft.inverse_jax(flm, L)

For a signal on the rotation group

# Compute Wigner coefficients
flmn = s2fft.wigner.forward_jax(f, L, N)

# Map back to pixel-space signal
f = s2fft.wigner.inverse_jax(flmn, L, N)

C/C++ backend usage 💡#

S2FFT also provides JAX support for existing C/C++ packages, specifically HEALPix and SSHT. This works by wrapping python bindings with custom JAX frontends. Note that currently this C/C++ to JAX interoperability is currently limited to CPU, however for many applications this is desirable due to memory constraints.

For example, one may call these alternate backends for the spherical harmonic transform by:

# Forward SSHT spherical harmonic transform
flm = s2fft.forward(f, L, sampling=["mw"], method="jax_ssht")

# Forward HEALPix spherical harmonic transform
flm = s2fft.forward(f, L, nside=nside, sampling="healpix", method="jax_healpy")

All of these JAX frontends supports out of the box reverse mode automatic differentiation, and under the hood is simply linking to the C/C++ packages you are familiar with. In this way S2FFT enhances existing packages with gradient functionality for modern signal processing applications!