Differentiable scattering covariances on the sphere =================================================== ``S2SCAT`` is a Python package for computing third generation scattering covariances on the sphere `(Mousset et al. 2024) `_ using ``JAX``. It leverages autodiff to provide differentiable transforms, which are also deployable on hardware accelerators (e.g. GPUs and TPUs). Scattering covariances are useful both for field-level generative modelling of complex non-Gaussian textures and for statistical compression of high dimensional field-level data, a key step of e.g. simulation based inference. .. important:: It is worth highlighting that the input to ``S2SCAT`` are spherical harmonic coefficients, which can be generated with whichever software package you prefer, e.g. `S2FFT `_ or `healpy `_. Just ensure your harmonic coefficients are indexed using our convention; helper functions for this reindexing can be found in `S2FFT `_. .. tip:: At launch ``S2SCAT`` provides two core transform modes: on-the-fly, which performs underlying spherical harmonic and Wigner transforms through the `Price & McEwen `_ recursion; and precompute, which a priori computes and caches all Wigner elements required. The precompute approach will be faster but can only be run up to :math:`L \sim 512`, whereas the recursive approach will run up to :math:`L \sim 2048`, depending on GPU hardware. +------------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------+--------------+----------------------------+--------------------------+ | Ballpark Numbers [A100 40GB] | Max resolution | Forward pass | Gradient pass | JIT compilation | Input params | Anisotropic (compression) | Isotropic (compression) | +==============================+================+==============+===============+=================+==============+============================+==========================+ | Precompute | L=512, N=3 | ~90ms | ~190ms | ~20s | 2,618,880 | ~ 63,000 (97.594%) | ~504 (99.981%) | +------------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------+--------------+----------------------------+--------------------------+ | On-the-fly | L=2048, N=3 | ~18s | ~40s | ~5m | 41,932,800 | ~ 123,750 (99.705%) | ~ 990 (99.998%) | +------------------------------+----------------+--------------+---------------+-----------------+--------------+----------------------------+--------------------------+ Note that these times are not batched, so in practice may be substantially faster. Scattering covariances |:dna:| --------------------------------------------------------- .. image:: ./assets/synthesis.gif :align: right :width: 200 We introduce scattering covariances on the sphere in `Mousset et al. 2024 `_, which extend to spherical settings similar scattering transforms introduced for 1D signals by `Morel et al. (2023) `_ and for planar 2D signals by `Cheng et al. (2023) `_. The scattering transform is defined by repeated application of directional wavelet transforms followed by a machine learning inspired non-linearity, typically the modulus operator. The wavelet transform :math:`W^{\lambda}` within each layer has an associated scale :math:`j` and direction $n$, which we group into a single label :math:`\lambda`. Scattering covariances :math:`S` are computed from the coefficients of a two-layer scattering transform and are defined as .. math:: S_1^{\lambda_1} = \langle |W^{\lambda_1} I| \rangle \quad S_2^{\lambda_1} = \langle|W^{\lambda_1} I|^2 \rangle .. math:: S_3^{\lambda_1, \lambda_2} = \text{Cov} \left[ W^{\lambda_1}I, W^{\lambda_1}|W^{\lambda_2} I| \right] .. math:: S_4^{\lambda_1, \lambda_2, \lambda_3} = \text{Cov} \left[W^{\lambda_1}|W^{\lambda_3}I|, W^{\lambda_1}|W^{\lambda_2}I|\right]. where :math:`W^{\lambda} I` denotes the wavelet transform of field :math:`I` at scale :math:`j` and direction :math:`\gamma`, which we group into a single label :math:`\lambda=(j,\gamma)`. This statistical representation characterises the power and sparsity at given scales, as well as covariant features between different wavelet scale and directions; which can adequetly capture complex non-Gaussian structural information, e.g. filamentary structure. Using the recently released JAX spherical harmonic code `S2FFT `_ (`Price & McEwen 2023 `_) and spherical wavelet transform code `S2WAV `_ (`Price et al. 2024 `_) in the ``S2SCAT`` code we extends scattering covariances to the sphere, which are necessary for their application to generative modelling of wide-field cosmological fields `(Mousset et al. 2024) `_. Contributors ✨ ----------------------------------- Thanks goes to these wonderful people (`emoji key `_): .. raw:: html
Matt Price
Matt Price

🤔 💻 🎨 📖

💻 🎨 🤔
Jason McEwen
Jason McEwen


We encourage contributions from any interested developers. Attribution |:books:| ------------------ Should this code be used in any way, we kindly request that the following article is referenced. A BibTeX entry for this reference may look like: .. code-block:: @article{mousset:s2scat, author = "Louise Mousset et al", title = "TBD", journal = "Astronomy & Astrophysics, submitted", year = "2024", eprint = "TBD" } You might also like to consider citing our related papers on which this code builds: .. code-block:: @article{price:s2fft, author = "Matthew A. Price and Jason D. McEwen", title = "Differentiable and accelerated spherical harmonic and {W}igner transforms", journal = "Journal of Computational Physics", volume = "510", pages = "113109", year = "2024", doi = {10.1016/j.jcp.2024.113109}, eprint = "arXiv:2311.14670" } .. code-block:: @article{price:s2wav, author = "Matthew A. Price and Alicja Polanska and Jessica Whitney and Jason D. McEwen", title = "Differentiable and accelerated directional wavelet transform on the sphere and ball", year = "2024", eprint = "arXiv:2402.01282" } License |:memo:| ---------------- We provide this code under an MIT open-source licence with the hope that it will be of use to a wider community. Copyright 2024 Matthew Price, Louise Mousset, Erwan Allys and Jason McEwen ``S2SCAT`` is free software made available under the MIT License. For details see the LICENSE file. .. bibliography:: :notcited: :list: bullet .. * :ref:`modindex` .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 2 :caption: User Guide user_guide/install .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Interactive Tutorials tutorials/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: API api/index