A series of tutorial notebooks which go through the absolute base level application of
apis. Post alpha release we will add examples for more involved applications,
in the time being feel free to contact contributors for advice! At a high-level the
package is structured such that the 2 primary transforms, the analysis and
synthesis directional wavelet transforms, can easily be accessed.
Core usage 🚀#
To import and use S2WAV
is as simple follows:
import s2wav
# Compute wavelet coefficients
f_wav, f_scal = s2wav.analysis(f, L, N)
# Map back to signal on the sphere
f = s2wav.synthesis(f_wav, f_scal, L, N)
C backend library support 💡#
also supports JAX frontend wrappers for the existing SSHT
spherical harmonic and Wigner transform C libraries which, though limited to CPU compute, are nevertheless very fast
and memory efficient when e.g. GPU compute is not available. To call this operating mode simply run
import s2wav
# Compute wavelet coefficients
f_wav, f_scal = s2wav.analysis(f, L, N, use_c_backend=True)
# Map back to signal on the sphere
f = s2wav.synthesis(f_wav, f_scal, L, N, use_c_backend=True)