ssht_sampling_mod.f90 File Reference

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module  ssht_sampling_mod

Functionality to define sample positions for various algorithms, to compute weights and to convert 1D and 2D harmonic indices.


real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_weight_dh (theta_t, L)
 Compute Discoll and Healy weights.
complex(dpc) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_weight_mw (p)
 Compute weights for toroidal extension.
subroutine ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_gl_thetas_weights (thetas, weights, L)
 Compute theta positions (roots of Legendre polynomials) and corresponding weights.
subroutine ssht_sampling_mod::gauleg (x1, x2, x, w, n)
 Given the lower and upper limits of integration x1 and x2, this routine returns arrays x[1..n] and w[1..n] of length n, containing the abscissas and weights of the Gauss-Legendre n-point quadrature formula.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_dh_t2theta (t, L)
 Convert theta index to angle for Driscoll and Healy sampling.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_dh_p2phi (p, L)
 Convert phi index to angle for Driscoll and Healy sampling.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_gl_p2phi (p, L)
 Convert phi index to angle for Gauss-Legendre sampling.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_mw_t2theta (t, L)
 Convert theta index to angle for McEwen and Wiaux sampling.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_mw_p2phi (p, L)
 Convert phi index to angle for McEwen and Wiaux sampling.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_mweo_t2theta (t, L)
 Convert theta index to angle for McEwen and Wiaux even-odd sampling.
real(dp) ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_mweo_p2phi (p, L)
 Convert phi index to angle for McEwen and Wiaux even-odd sampling.
subroutine ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_elm2ind (ind, el, m)
 Convert (el,m) harmonic indices to 1D index used to access flm array.
subroutine ssht_sampling_mod::ssht_sampling_ind2elm (el, m, ind)
 Convert 1D index used to access flm array to (el,m) harmonic indices.


integer, parameter ssht_sampling_mod::SSHT_SAMPLING_DH = 1
 Flag to indicate Driscoll and Healy sampling.
integer, parameter ssht_sampling_mod::SSHT_SAMPLING_GL = 2
 Flag to indicate Gauss-Legendre sampling.
integer, parameter ssht_sampling_mod::SSHT_SAMPLING_MW = 3
 Flag to indicate McEwen and Wiaux sampling.
integer, parameter ssht_sampling_mod::SSHT_SAMPLING_MWEO = 4
 Flag to indicate McEwen and Wiaux sampling for even-odd algorithm.
integer, parameter ssht_sampling_mod::SSHT_SAMPLING_DEFAULT = SSHT_SAMPLING_MW
 Flag to indicate default sampling (McEwen and Wiaux sampling).
Generated on Mon Oct 31 01:20:05 2011 by  doxygen 1.6.3