Data Types List
Here are the data types with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oCbianchi2_error_modFunctionality to handle errors that may occur in the bianchi2 library. Public bianchi2 error codes are defined, with corresponding private error comments and default halt execution status
oCbianchi2_globaldata_modStores global data required in bianchi2 data routines. Ideally one would avoid global data passed in this way, however it is required to get data into the routines taken by the numerical recipes functions used in computing bianchi2 templates
oCbianchi2_lut_modLookup table for associated Legendre function for case where m=1. Also contains functionality to compute associated Legendre functions if a LUT is not used
|\Cbianchi2_lutLook-up-table that contains precomputed associated Legendre functions
\Cbianchi2_sky_modProvides functionality to simulate a Bianchi2 VII_h model of the CMB, incorporating a cosmological constant. Uses the s2_sky module to create healpix sky maps
 \Cbianchi2_skyBianchi 2 sky object that contains parameters and simulated sky