Module s2_vect_mod

module s2_vect_mod

        ! Uses
    use s2_types_mod
    use s2_error_mod

        ! Types
    public type s2_vect

        ! Variables
    integer, public, parameter :: S2_VECT_TYPE_CART = 0
    integer, public, parameter :: S2_VECT_TYPE_S2 = 1
    integer, private, parameter :: S2_VECT_CART_DIM = 3

        ! Interfaces
    public interface s2_vect_init

        ! Subroutines and functions
    private function s2_vect_init_cart (x) result (vect)
    private function s2_vect_init_sph (r, theta, phi) result (vect)
    private function s2_vect_init_copy (orig) result (copy)
    public subroutine s2_vect_free (vect)
    public subroutine s2_vect_convert (vect, type)
    private subroutine s2_vect_compute_sph (vect)
    private subroutine s2_vect_compute_cart (vect)
    public function s2_vect_rad_to_arcmin (theta_rad) result (theta_arcmin)
    public function s2_vect_arcmin_to_rad (theta_arcmin) result (theta_rad)
    public function s2_vect_dot (a, b) result (dot)
    public subroutine s2_vect_rotate (vect, alpha, beta, gamma)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_direct (R, alpha, beta, gamma)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_point (R, alpha, beta, gamma)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_x_point (R, ang)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_y_point (R, ang)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_z_point (R, ang)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_axis (R, alpha, beta, gamma)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_x_axis (R, ang)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_y_axis (R, ang)
    private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_z_axis (R, ang)
    public subroutine s2_vect_set_unit (vect)
    public function s2_vect_get_init (vect) result (init)
    public function s2_vect_get_x (vect) result (x)
    public function s2_vect_get_r (vect) result (r)
    public function s2_vect_get_theta (vect) result (theta)
    public function s2_vect_get_phi (vect) result (phi)
    public function s2_vect_get_type (vect) result (type)

end module s2_vect_mod
Provide functionality to support and rotate vectors in R^3, represented in either cartesian or spherical coordinates.

Author: J. D. McEwen (

Version: 0.1 September 2004

Description of Types


public type s2_vect
    logical :: init = .false.
    real (kind=s2_sp), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: x = 0.0e0
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: r = 0.0e0
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: theta = 0.0e0
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: phi = 0.e0
    integer :: type = S2_VECT_TYPE_CART
end type s2_vect

Description of Variables


integer, public, parameter :: S2_VECT_TYPE_CART = 0
Cartesian coordinate status type.


integer, public, parameter :: S2_VECT_TYPE_S2 = 1
Spherical coordinate status type.


integer, private, parameter :: S2_VECT_CART_DIM = 3
Dimension of 3d cartesian vector.

Description of Interfaces


public interface s2_vect_init
    module procedure s2_vect_init_cart
    module procedure s2_vect_init_sph
    module procedure s2_vect_init_copy
end interface s2_vect_init

Description of Subroutines and Functions


private function s2_vect_init_cart (x) result (vect)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in), dimension (:) :: x
    type (s2_vect) :: vect
    ! Calls: s2_error
end function s2_vect_init_cart
Initialise a vector in cartesian coordinates.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private function s2_vect_init_sph (r, theta, phi) result (vect)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: r
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: theta
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: phi
    type (s2_vect) :: vect
    ! Calls: s2_error
end function s2_vect_init_sph
Initialise a vector in spherical coordinates.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private function s2_vect_init_copy (orig) result (copy)
    type (s2_vect), intent(in) :: orig
    type (s2_vect) :: copy
    ! Calls: s2_error
end function s2_vect_init_copy
Initialise a vector by making a copy of another vector.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public subroutine s2_vect_free (vect)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    ! Calls: s2_error
end subroutine s2_vect_free
Reset vector values. (No memory to be freed.)


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public subroutine s2_vect_convert (vect, type)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    integer, intent(in) :: type
    ! Calls: s2_error, s2_vect_compute_cart, s2_vect_compute_sph
end subroutine s2_vect_convert
Convert a vector to the coordinates system specified by type. If the vector is already in the soordinate system then do nothing.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_compute_sph (vect)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    ! Calls: s2_error
end subroutine s2_vect_compute_sph
Compute spherical coordinates of a vector from cartesian coordinates.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_compute_cart (vect)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    ! Calls: s2_error
end subroutine s2_vect_compute_cart
Compute cartesian coordinates of a vector from spherical coordinates.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_rad_to_arcmin (theta_rad) result (theta_arcmin)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: theta_rad
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: theta_arcmin
end function s2_vect_rad_to_arcmin
Convert an angle from radians to arcmins.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 November 2004


public function s2_vect_arcmin_to_rad (theta_arcmin) result (theta_rad)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: theta_arcmin
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: theta_rad
end function s2_vect_arcmin_to_rad
Convert an angle from arcmins to radians.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 November 2004


public function s2_vect_dot (a, b) result (dot)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: a
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: b
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: dot
    ! Calls: s2_error
end function s2_vect_dot
Compute the dot product of two vectors.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 April 2006


public subroutine s2_vect_rotate (vect, alpha, beta, gamma)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: alpha
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: beta
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: gamma
    ! Calls: s2_error, s2_vect_convert, s2_vect_rotmat_point
end subroutine s2_vect_rotate
Rotate a vector by the specified Euler angles.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_direct (R, alpha, beta, gamma)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: alpha
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: beta
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: gamma
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_direct
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate a vector (in cartesian coordinates) by the speficied Euler angles. The rotation matrix is coded directly rather than multiplying rotation matrices that rotate about various axis.


Author: D. J. Mortlock

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_point (R, alpha, beta, gamma)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: alpha
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: beta
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: gamma
    ! Calls: s2_vect_rotmat_y_point, s2_vect_rotmat_z_point
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_point
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate a vector (in cartesian coordinates) by the specified Euler angles. The point is rotated in the right hand sense (axis rotated in left hand sense).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 April 2005


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_x_point (R, ang)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: ang
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_x_point
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate about the x axis by the specified angle. The point is rotated in the right hand sense (axis rotated in left hand sense).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 April 2005


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_y_point (R, ang)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: ang
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_y_point
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate about the y axis by the specified angle. The point is rotated in the right hand sense (axis rotated in left hand sense).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 April 2005


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_z_point (R, ang)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: ang
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_z_point
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate about the z axis by the specified angle. The point is rotated in the right hand sense (axis rotated in left hand sense).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 April 2005


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_axis (R, alpha, beta, gamma)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: alpha
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: beta
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: gamma
    ! Calls: s2_vect_rotmat_y_axis, s2_vect_rotmat_z_axis
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_axis
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate a vector (in cartesian coordinates) by the specified Euler angles. The axis is rotated in the right hand sense (point rotated in left hand sense).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_x_axis (R, ang)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: ang
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_x_axis
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate about the x axis by the specified angle. The axis is rotated in the right hand sense (point rotated in left hand sense).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_y_axis (R, ang)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: ang
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_y_axis
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate about the y axis by the specified angle. The axis is rotated in the right hand sense (point rotated in left hand sense).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


private subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_z_axis (R, ang)
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(out), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM, S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: R
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: ang
end subroutine s2_vect_rotmat_z_axis
Generate a rotation matrix to rotate about the z axis by the specified angle. The axis is rotated in the right hand sense (point rotated in left hand sense).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public subroutine s2_vect_set_unit (vect)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    ! Calls: s2_vect_convert
end subroutine s2_vect_set_unit
Scale the vector magnitude so it has unit length (orientation maintained).


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_get_init (vect) result (init)
    type (s2_vect), intent(in) :: vect
    logical :: init
end function s2_vect_get_init
Get init variable from the passed vect.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_get_x (vect) result (x)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    real (kind=s2_sp), dimension (S2_VECT_CART_DIM) :: x
    ! Calls: s2_error, s2_vect_convert
end function s2_vect_get_x
Get x variable from the passed vect.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_get_r (vect) result (r)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: r
    ! Calls: s2_error, s2_vect_convert
end function s2_vect_get_r
Get r variable from the passed vect.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_get_theta (vect) result (theta)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: theta
    ! Calls: s2_error, s2_vect_convert
end function s2_vect_get_theta
Get theta variable from the passed vect.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_get_phi (vect) result (phi)
    type (s2_vect), intent(inout) :: vect
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: phi
    ! Calls: s2_error, s2_vect_convert
end function s2_vect_get_phi
Get phi variable from the passed vect.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004


public function s2_vect_get_type (vect) result (type)
    type (s2_vect), intent(in) :: vect
    integer :: type
    ! Calls: s2_error
end function s2_vect_get_type
Get type variable from the passed vect.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 September 2004