Module bianchi_error_mod

module bianchi_error_mod

        ! Uses
    use s2_types_mod, only: S2_STRING_LEN

        ! Variables
    integer, private, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_NUM = 12
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_NONE = 0
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_INIT = 1
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_NOT_INIT = 2
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_INIT_FAIL = 3
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL = 4
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SKY_QUAD_INVALID = 5
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SKY_QUAD_STEP_EXCEED = 6
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SKY_N_MISSING = 7
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SIM_PARAM_INVALID = 8
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SIM_NARG = 9
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_PLM1TABLE_THETA_INVALID = 10
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_PLM1TABLE_L_INVALID = 11
    character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), private, parameter, dimension (BIANCHI_ERROR_NUM) :: error_comment = (/ 'No error                                                                 ', 'Attempt to initialise object that has already been initialised           ', 'Object not initialised                                                   ', 'Object initialisation failed                                             ', 'Memory allocation failed                                                 ', 'Quadrature type invalid                                                  ', 'Exceeded number of steps limit whem computing quadrature                 ', 'Must specify N if using direct quadrature                                ', 'Invalid simulation parameter                                             ', 'Invalid number of command line parameters                                ', 'Invalid theta for Plm1 lookup table (not on regular grid)                ', 'Invalid l for Plm1 lookup table (out of range)                           ' /)
    logical, private, parameter, dimension (BIANCHI_ERROR_NUM) :: halt_default = (/ .false., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true. /)

        ! Subroutines and functions
    public subroutine bianchi_error (error_code, procedure, comment_add, comment_out, halt_in)

end module bianchi_error_mod
Functionality to handle errors that may occur in the bianchi library. Public bianchi error codes are defined, with corresponding private error comments and default halt execution status.

Author: J. D. McEwen (

Version: 0.1 June 2005

Description of Variables


integer, private, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_NUM = 12


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_NONE = 0


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_INIT = 1


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_NOT_INIT = 2


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_INIT_FAIL = 3


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_MEM_ALLOC_FAIL = 4


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SKY_QUAD_INVALID = 5


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SKY_QUAD_STEP_EXCEED = 6


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SKY_N_MISSING = 7


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SIM_PARAM_INVALID = 8


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_SIM_NARG = 9


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_PLM1TABLE_THETA_INVALID = 10


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_ERROR_PLM1TABLE_L_INVALID = 11


character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), private, parameter, dimension (BIANCHI_ERROR_NUM) :: error_comment = (/ 'No error                                                                 ', 'Attempt to initialise object that has already been initialised           ', 'Object not initialised                                                   ', 'Object initialisation failed                                             ', 'Memory allocation failed                                                 ', 'Quadrature type invalid                                                  ', 'Exceeded number of steps limit whem computing quadrature                 ', 'Must specify N if using direct quadrature                                ', 'Invalid simulation parameter                                             ', 'Invalid number of command line parameters                                ', 'Invalid theta for Plm1 lookup table (not on regular grid)                ', 'Invalid l for Plm1 lookup table (out of range)                           ' /)
Comment associated with each error type.


logical, private, parameter, dimension (BIANCHI_ERROR_NUM) :: halt_default = (/ .false., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true., .true. /)
Default program halt status of each error type.

Description of Subroutines and Functions


public subroutine bianchi_error (error_code, procedure, comment_add, comment_out, halt_in)
    integer, intent(in) :: error_code
    character (len=*), optional, intent(in) :: procedure
    character (len=*), optional, intent(in) :: comment_add
    character (len=*), optional, intent(inout) :: comment_out
    logical, optional, intent(in) :: halt_in
end subroutine bianchi_error
Display error message corresponding to error_code and halt program execution if required.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 August 2004