program comb_csim ! Uses use s2_types_mod, only: S2_STRING_LEN, s2_sp, pi use s2_error_mod use s2_distn_mod use s2_cmb_mod use s2_pl_mod use s2_vect_mod, only: s2_vect_arcmin_to_rad use s2_wnoise_mod use comb_error_mod use comb_tmpl_mod use comb_obj_mod use comb_csky_mod use extension, only: getArgument, nArguments use paramfile_io, only: paramfile_handle, parse_init, parse_int, parse_real, parse_lgt, parse_string, concatnl use pix_tools, only: nside2npix ! Calls call comb_csim_param_gen call comb_csim_param_read call comb_csim_print_header call comb_csky_free call comb_csky_write_param call comb_csky_write_sky_full call comb_csky_write_sky_obj call comb_obj_free call comb_obj_write_sky call s2_cmb_free call s2_cmb_write_sky call s2_error call s2_pl_free call s2_wnoise_downsample call s2_wnoise_free call s2_wnoise_write_nobs_file call s2_wnoise_write_sky_file call s2_wnoise_write_std_file ! Variables character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_NAME = 'COMB_CSIM' character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_DESCRIPTION = 'Compact object embedded CMB simulation' character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_VERSION = '1.0' character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_AUTHOR = 'Jason McEwen' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: filename_param character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: description character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: line type (paramfile_handle) :: handle integer, parameter :: NUM_COMMENT_LINES_CLT_FILE = 29 integer, parameter :: NUM_COMMENT_LINES_BEAM_FILE = 8 real (kind=s2_sp) :: TOL = 1e-5 integer :: nside integer :: lmax integer :: mmax integer, parameter :: lmin = 2 integer, parameter :: NSIDE_DEFAULT = 64 integer, parameter :: LMAX_DEFAULT = 128 integer, parameter :: MMAX_DEFAULT = 128 character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: comb_type integer, parameter :: COMB_TYPE_OPT_NUM = 6 character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter, dimension (COMB_TYPE_OPT_NUM) :: COMB_TYPE_OPT = (/ 'butterfly ', 'gaussian ', 'mexhat ', 'morlet ', 'point ', 'cos_thetaon2' /) character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: COMB_TYPE_DEFAULT = COMB_TYPE_OPT (1) integer :: comb_num integer, parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_NUM_OPT = (/ 0, 50 /) integer, parameter :: COMB_NUM_DEFAULT = 10 integer :: comb_seed real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_amp_lower real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_AMP_LOWER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 5.0e0 /) real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_AMP_LOWER_DEFAULT = 0.1e0 real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_amp_upper real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_AMP_UPPER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 5.0e0 /) real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_AMP_UPPER_DEFAULT = 2.0e0 real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_dil_lower real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_DIL_LOWER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 1.0e0 /) real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_DIL_LOWER_DEFAULT = 0.05e0 real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_dil_upper real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_DIL_UPPER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 1.0e0 /) real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_DIL_UPPER_DEFAULT = 0.1e0 integer :: comb_dil_grid_num integer, parameter :: COMB_DIL_GRID_NUM_DEFAULT = 5 integer :: comb_gamma_grid_num integer, parameter :: COMB_GAMMA_GRID_NUM_DEFAULT = 5 logical :: cmb_status logical, parameter :: CMB_STATUS_DEFAULT = .true. integer :: cmb_seed character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: cmb_cl_file character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: CMB_CL_FILE_DEFAULT = 'data_in/wmap_lcdm_pl_model_yr1_v1.txt' logical :: beam_status logical, parameter :: BEAM_STATUS_DEFAULT = .false. logical :: beam_gaussian logical, parameter :: BEAM_GAUSSIAN_DEFAULT = .true. real (kind=s2_sp) :: beam_fwhm real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: BEAM_FWHM_DEFAULT = 10.0e0 character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: beam_cl_file character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: BEAM_CL_FILE_DEFAULT = 'data_in/map_w1_ampl_bl_yr1_v1.txt' logical :: noise_status logical, parameter :: NOISE_STATUS_DEFAULT = .false. logical :: noise_full_sky logical, parameter :: NOISE_FULL_SKY_DEFAULT = .false. integer :: noise_seed real (kind=s2_sp) :: noise_std real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: NOISE_STD_DEFAULT = 0.1e0 real (kind=s2_sp) :: noise_sigma0 real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: NOISE_SIGMA0_DEFAULT = 1.0e0 character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: noise_nobs_file character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: NOISE_NOBS_FILE_DEFAULT = 'data_in/wmap_w1_cleanimap_yr1_v1.fits' integer :: noise_nobs_extension integer, parameter :: NOISE_NOBS_EXTENSION_DEFAULT = 2 character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_csky character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_CSKY_DEFAULT = 'data_out/csky.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_obj character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_OBJ_DEFAULT = 'data_out/obj.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_obj_mother character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_OBJ_MOTHER_DEFAULT = 'data_out/obj_mother.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_cmb character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_CMB_DEFAULT = 'data_out/cmb.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_wnoise character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_WNOISE_DEFAULT = 'data_out/wnoise.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_wnoise_nobs character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_WNOISE_NOBS_DEFAULT = 'data_out/wnoise_nobs.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_wnoise_std character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_WNOISE_STD_DEFAULT = 'data_out/wnoise_std.fits' character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_param character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_PARAM_DEFAULT = 'data_out/param_out.par' real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_gamma_lower real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_gamma_upper integer :: iopt integer :: iobj integer :: fail = 0 real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: amplitude real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: dilation real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: alpha real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: beta real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: gamma type (comb_obj) :: obj_mother type (comb_csky) :: csky type (s2_pl) :: beam type (s2_cmb) :: cmb type (s2_wnoise) :: wnoise ! Interfaces interface comb_csim_param_check_type interface comb_csim_snap_to_grid ! Subroutines and functions subroutine comb_csim_print_header () subroutine comb_csim_param_read () subroutine comb_csim_param_write () subroutine comb_csim_param_gen () end program comb_csimGenerates simulations of compact objects embedded in primordial cmb (convolved with beam if desired) and noise.
Author: J. D. McEwen (mcewen[AT]
Version: 0.1 September 2004
character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_NAME = 'COMB_CSIM'
character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_DESCRIPTION = 'Compact object embedded CMB simulation'
character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_VERSION = '1.0'
character (len=*), parameter :: CODE_AUTHOR = 'Jason McEwen'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: filename_param
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: description
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: line
type (paramfile_handle) :: handle
integer, parameter :: NUM_COMMENT_LINES_CLT_FILE = 29
integer, parameter :: NUM_COMMENT_LINES_BEAM_FILE = 8
real (kind=s2_sp) :: TOL = 1e-5
integer :: nside
integer :: lmax
integer :: mmax
integer, parameter :: lmin = 2
integer, parameter :: NSIDE_DEFAULT = 64
integer, parameter :: LMAX_DEFAULT = 128
integer, parameter :: MMAX_DEFAULT = 128
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: comb_type
integer, parameter :: COMB_TYPE_OPT_NUM = 6
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter, dimension (COMB_TYPE_OPT_NUM) :: COMB_TYPE_OPT = (/ 'butterfly ', 'gaussian ', 'mexhat ', 'morlet ', 'point ', 'cos_thetaon2' /)
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: COMB_TYPE_DEFAULT = COMB_TYPE_OPT (1)
integer :: comb_num
integer, parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_NUM_OPT = (/ 0, 50 /)
integer, parameter :: COMB_NUM_DEFAULT = 10
integer :: comb_seed
real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_amp_lower
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_AMP_LOWER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 5.0e0 /)
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_AMP_LOWER_DEFAULT = 0.1e0
real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_amp_upper
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_AMP_UPPER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 5.0e0 /)
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_AMP_UPPER_DEFAULT = 2.0e0
real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_dil_lower
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_DIL_LOWER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 1.0e0 /)
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_DIL_LOWER_DEFAULT = 0.05e0
real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_dil_upper
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter, dimension (2) :: COMB_DIL_UPPER_OPT = (/ 0.01e0, 1.0e0 /)
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: COMB_DIL_UPPER_DEFAULT = 0.1e0
integer :: comb_dil_grid_num
integer, parameter :: COMB_DIL_GRID_NUM_DEFAULT = 5
integer :: comb_gamma_grid_num
integer, parameter :: COMB_GAMMA_GRID_NUM_DEFAULT = 5
logical :: cmb_status
logical, parameter :: CMB_STATUS_DEFAULT = .true.
integer :: cmb_seed
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: cmb_cl_file
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: CMB_CL_FILE_DEFAULT = 'data_in/wmap_lcdm_pl_model_yr1_v1.txt'
logical :: beam_status
logical, parameter :: BEAM_STATUS_DEFAULT = .false.
logical :: beam_gaussian
logical, parameter :: BEAM_GAUSSIAN_DEFAULT = .true.
real (kind=s2_sp) :: beam_fwhm
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: BEAM_FWHM_DEFAULT = 10.0e0
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: beam_cl_file
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: BEAM_CL_FILE_DEFAULT = 'data_in/map_w1_ampl_bl_yr1_v1.txt'
logical :: noise_status
logical, parameter :: NOISE_STATUS_DEFAULT = .false.
logical :: noise_full_sky
logical, parameter :: NOISE_FULL_SKY_DEFAULT = .false.
integer :: noise_seed
real (kind=s2_sp) :: noise_std
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: NOISE_STD_DEFAULT = 0.1e0
real (kind=s2_sp) :: noise_sigma0
real (kind=s2_sp), parameter :: NOISE_SIGMA0_DEFAULT = 1.0e0
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: noise_nobs_file
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: NOISE_NOBS_FILE_DEFAULT = 'data_in/wmap_w1_cleanimap_yr1_v1.fits'
integer :: noise_nobs_extension
integer, parameter :: NOISE_NOBS_EXTENSION_DEFAULT = 2
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_csky
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_CSKY_DEFAULT = 'data_out/csky.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_obj
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_OBJ_DEFAULT = 'data_out/obj.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_obj_mother
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_OBJ_MOTHER_DEFAULT = 'data_out/obj_mother.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_cmb
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_CMB_DEFAULT = 'data_out/cmb.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_wnoise
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_WNOISE_DEFAULT = 'data_out/wnoise.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_wnoise_nobs
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_WNOISE_NOBS_DEFAULT = 'data_out/wnoise_nobs.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_wnoise_std
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_WNOISE_STD_DEFAULT = 'data_out/wnoise_std.fits'
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN) :: output_file_param
character (len=S2_STRING_LEN), parameter :: OUTPUT_FILE_PARAM_DEFAULT = 'data_out/param_out.par'
real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_gamma_lower
real (kind=s2_sp) :: comb_gamma_upper
integer :: iopt
integer :: iobj
integer :: fail = 0
real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: amplitude
real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: dilation
real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: alpha
real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: beta
real (kind=s2_sp), allocatable, dimension (:) :: gamma
type (comb_obj) :: obj_mother
type (comb_csky) :: csky
type (s2_pl) :: beam
type (s2_cmb) :: cmb
type (s2_wnoise) :: wnoise
interface comb_csim_param_check_type function comb_csim_param_check_type_char (param, types) result (pass) character (len=*), intent(in) :: param character (len=*), intent(in), dimension (:) :: types logical :: pass end function comb_csim_param_check_type_char function comb_csim_param_check_type_int (param, range) result (pass) integer, intent(in) :: param integer, intent(in), dimension (2) :: range logical :: pass end function comb_csim_param_check_type_int function comb_csim_param_check_type_real (param, range) result (pass) real, intent(in) :: param real, intent(in), dimension (2) :: range logical :: pass end function comb_csim_param_check_type_real end interface comb_csim_param_check_type
interface comb_csim_snap_to_grid subroutine comb_csim_snap_to_grid (vals, lower, upper, num) real (kind=s2_sp), intent(inout), dimension (:) :: vals real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: lower real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: upper integer, intent(in) :: num end subroutine comb_csim_snap_to_grid end interface comb_csim_snap_to_grid
subroutine comb_csim_print_header () end subroutine comb_csim_print_headerPrint comb_csim header to standard out.
Author: J. D. McEwen
subroutine comb_csim_param_read () ! Calls: comb_error, getArgument, system_clock end subroutine comb_csim_param_readParse comb_csim input parameters. Either read from input parameter file or read interactively from standard input.
Author: J. D. McEwen
subroutine comb_csim_param_write () end subroutine comb_csim_param_writeWrite parameter values to screen.
Author: J. D. McEwen
subroutine comb_csim_param_gen () ! Calls: comb_csim_snap_to_grid end subroutine comb_csim_param_genGenerate samples compact object parameters in specified range.
Author: J. D. McEwen
Version: 0.1 September 2004