- ProxNest.utils.create_options_dict(samplesL=1000.0, samplesD=10000.0, thinning=100.0, delta=1e-08, burn=100.0, sigma=1)
Compiles a dictionary of option parameters for sampling
- Parameters
samplesL (int) – Number of live samples (default = 1e3).
samplesD (int) – Number of discarded samples (default = 1e4).
thinning (int) – Thinning factors (i.e. iterations per sample, default =1 1e2).
delta (float) – Discretisation stepsize (< Lipschitz constant of \(\nabla F\), default = 1e-8).
burn (int) – Number of burn in samples to be discarded (default = 1e2).
sigma (float) – Noise std of degraded image (default = 1).
- Returns
Dictionary of sampling options.
- Return type
- ProxNest.utils.create_parameters_dict(y=0, Phi=None, Psi=None, epsilon=0.001, tight=True, nu=1, tol=0.001, max_iter=200, verbose=1, u=0, pos=False, reality=False, l1weights=1, rel_obj=0)
Compiles a dictionary of parameters for code simplicity
- Parameters
y (np.ndarray) – Measurements (default = 0).
Phi (linear operator) – Sensing operator (default = None).
Psi (linear operator) – Redundant dictionary (default = None).
epsilon (float) – Radius of the \(\ell_2\) ball (default = 1e-3).
tight (bool) – True if A is a tight frame or False otherwise (default = 1).
nu (float) – Bound on the squared-norm of the operator A, i.e. \(||A x||^2 <= \nu ||x||^2\) (default = 1).
tol (float) – Tolerance, i.e. the algorithms stops if \(\epsilon/(1-tol) <= ||y - A z||_2 <= \epsilon/(1+tol)\) (default = 1e-3).
max_iter (int) – Maximum number of iterations (default: 200).
verbose (int) – Verbosity level (0 = no log, 1 = summary at convergence, 2 = print main steps; default = 1).
u (np.ndarray) – Initial vector for the dual problem, same dimension as y (default = 0).
pos (bool) – Positivity flag (True = positive solution, False (default) general case).
reality (bool) – Reality flag (True = real solution, 0 (default) = general complex case).
l1weights (np.ndarray) – Reweighting of thresholding of \(\ell_1\)-norm (default = 1).
rel_obj (float) – Stopping criterion for \(\ell_1\) proximal sub-iterations (default = 0).
- Returns
Dictionary of parameters.
- Return type