Module bianchi_plm1table_mod

module bianchi_plm1table_mod

        ! Uses
    use s2_types_mod
    use bianchi_error_mod

        ! Variables
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_LMAX = 64
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_NTHETA = 100
    real (kind=s2_dp), private, dimension (1:BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_LMAX,0:BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_NTHETA-1) :: PLM1_TABLE

        ! Subroutines and functions
    public function bianchi_plm1table_getval (l, theta) result (plm1_val)

end module bianchi_plm1table_mod
Lookup table for associated Legendre function for case where m=1, N_theta_grid=100 and lmax<64. Note tailored to Bianchi code since input for associated Legendre function is theta not x.

Author: J. D. McEwen (

Version: 0.1 July 2005

Description of Variables


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_LMAX = 64


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_NTHETA = 100


real (kind=s2_dp), private, dimension (1:BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_LMAX,0:BIANCHI_PLM1TABLE_NTHETA-1) :: PLM1_TABLE

Description of Subroutines and Functions


public function bianchi_plm1table_getval (l, theta) result (plm1_val)
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: plm1_val
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_plm1table_getval
Get value for given l and theta out of loopup table. The theta index corresponding to the theta value passed is computed herein.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005