Module bianchi_sky_mod

module bianchi_sky_mod

        ! Uses
    use s2_types_mod
    use s2_sky_mod
    use s2_error_mod
    use bianchi_error_mod

        ! Types
    public type bianchi_sky

        ! Variables
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_SKY_QUAD_DIRECT = 1
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_SKY_QUAD_QTRAP = 2
    integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_SKY_QUAD_QSIMP = 3
    logical, private, parameter :: BIANCHI_DISABLE_PLM1TABLE = .false.
    real (kind=s2_dp), private, parameter :: BIANCHI_CMB_T = 1d0

        ! Subroutines and functions
    public function bianchi_sky_init (omega0, x, zE, s12H, s13H, rhand, nside, quad, N) result (b)
    public function bianchi_sky_init_alm (omega0, x, zE, s12H, s13H, rhand, lmax, quad_AB, quad_IAB, N, alpha, beta, gamma) result (b)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_free (b)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_param_write (b)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_compute_map (b, nside)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_compute_alm (b, lmax, mmax)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_get_alm (b, alm)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_apply_beam (b, fwhm, lmax)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_write (b, filename, file_type, comment)
    public subroutine bianchi_sky_rotate (b, alpha, beta, gamma)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_s (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (s)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_psi (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (psi)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_c1 (omega0, x) result (c1)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_c2 (sE, zE) result (c2)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_c3 (omega0, h) result (c3)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_A (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, quad, N) result (Atheta)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_B (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, quad, N) result (Btheta)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_IA (tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, quad_IAB, N, A_grid) result (IA)
    private function bianchi_sky_comp_IB (tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, quad_IAB, N, B_grid) result (IB)
    private function bianchi_sky_integrand_A (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
    private function bianchi_sky_integrand_B (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
    private function bianchi_sky_integrand_IA (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, N, A_grid) result (integrand)
    private function bianchi_sky_integrand_IB (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, N, B_grid) result (integrand)
    private subroutine trapzd_a (func, tau0, theta0, h, a, b, s, n)
    private function qtrap_a (func, tau0, theta0, h, a, b) result (integral)
    private function qsimp_a (func, tau0, theta0, h, a, b) result (integral)
    private subroutine trapzd_ia (func, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, a, b, s, n, N_quad)
    private function qtrap_ia (func, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, a, b, N_quad) result (integral)
    private function qsimp_ia (func, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, a, b, N_quad) result (integral)
    private function plgndr (l, m, x)
    private function asinh (x) result (y)

end module bianchi_sky_mod
Provides functionality to simulate a Bianchi VII_h model of the CMB. Uses the s2_sky module to create healpix sky maps.

Author: J. D. McEwen (

Version: 0.1 June 2005

Description of Types


public type bianchi_sky
    logical :: init = .false.
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: omega0 = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: x = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: zE = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: s12H = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: s13H = 0.0d0
    logical :: rhand = .true.
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: wH = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: h = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: tau0 = 0.0d0
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: tauE = 0.0d0
    type (s2_sky) :: sky
end type bianchi_sky

Description of Variables


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_SKY_QUAD_DIRECT = 1
Quadrature type: Direct (rectangular).


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_SKY_QUAD_QTRAP = 2
Quadrature type: Trapezium rule.


integer, public, parameter :: BIANCHI_SKY_QUAD_QSIMP = 3
Quadrature type: Simpson's rule.


logical, private, parameter :: BIANCHI_DISABLE_PLM1TABLE = .false.


real (kind=s2_dp), private, parameter :: BIANCHI_CMB_T = 1d0

Description of Subroutines and Functions


public function bianchi_sky_init (omega0, x, zE, s12H, s13H, rhand, nside, quad, N) result (b)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: omega0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: x
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: s12H
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: s13H
    logical, intent(in) :: rhand
    integer, intent(in) :: nside
    integer, intent(in) :: quad
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    type (bianchi_sky) :: b
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, in_ring, pix2ang_ring
end function bianchi_sky_init
Initialise bianchi object by performing a bianchi simulation, computed in real space, with the specified parameters.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


public function bianchi_sky_init_alm (omega0, x, zE, s12H, s13H, rhand, lmax, quad_AB, quad_IAB, N, alpha, beta, gamma) result (b)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: omega0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: x
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: s12H
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: s13H
    logical, intent(in) :: rhand
    integer, intent(in) :: lmax
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_IAB
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_sp), optional, intent(in) :: alpha
    real (kind=s2_sp), optional, intent(in) :: beta
    real (kind=s2_sp), optional, intent(in) :: gamma
    type (bianchi_sky) :: b
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_dl_beta_operator
end function bianchi_sky_init_alm
Initialise bianchi object by performing a bianchi simulation, computed in harmonic space, with the specified parameters.



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_free (b)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(inout) :: b
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_sky_free
end subroutine bianchi_sky_free
Free all memory associated with a bianchi object.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_param_write (b)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(in) :: b
end subroutine bianchi_sky_param_write
Write parameters of the Bianchi simulation to standard output.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_compute_map (b, nside)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(inout) :: b
    integer, intent(in) :: nside
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_sky_compute_map
end subroutine bianchi_sky_compute_map
Compute the map of the bianchi sky, assuming the alms are already defined.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_compute_alm (b, lmax, mmax)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(inout) :: b
    integer, intent(in) :: lmax
    integer, intent(in) :: mmax
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_sky_compute_alm
end subroutine bianchi_sky_compute_alm
Compute the alm of the bianchi sky, assuming the map is already defined.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_get_alm (b, alm)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(in) :: b
    complex (kind=s2_spc), intent(out), dimension (:,:) :: alm
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_sky_get_alm
end subroutine bianchi_sky_get_alm
Get alms contained in a bianchi sky object. Alms must already be computed.



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_apply_beam (b, fwhm, lmax)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(inout) :: b
    real (kind=s2_sp), intent(in) :: fwhm
    integer, intent(in) :: lmax
    ! Calls: s2_pl_free, s2_sky_conv
end subroutine bianchi_sky_apply_beam
Apply Gaussian beam with specified FWHM. (FWHM must be passed in arcmin.)



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_write (b, filename, file_type, comment)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(inout) :: b
    character (len=*), intent(in) :: filename
    integer, intent(in) :: file_type
    character (len=*), optional, intent(in) :: comment
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_error, s2_sky_io_fits_write, s2_sky_write_map_file
end subroutine bianchi_sky_write
Write the bianchi simulated sky to a file.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


public subroutine bianchi_sky_rotate (b, alpha, beta, gamma)
    type (bianchi_sky), intent(inout) :: b
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: alpha
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: beta
    real (kind=s2_sp) :: gamma
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, s2_sky_rotate
end subroutine bianchi_sky_rotate
Rotate the simulated sky of the bianchi object.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_s (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (s)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: s
end function bianchi_sky_comp_s
Compute s variable in bianchi sky simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_psi (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (psi)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: psi
end function bianchi_sky_comp_psi
Compute psi variable in bianchi sky simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_c1 (omega0, x) result (c1)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: omega0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: x
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: c1
end function bianchi_sky_comp_c1
Compute c1 variable in bianchi sky simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_c2 (sE, zE) result (c2)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: sE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: c2
end function bianchi_sky_comp_c2
Compute c2 variable in bianchi sky simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_c3 (omega0, h) result (c3)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: omega0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: c3
end function bianchi_sky_comp_c3
Compute c3 variable in bianchi sky simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_A (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, quad, N) result (Atheta)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: quad
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: Atheta
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_sky_comp_A
Compute A(theta) for Bianchi simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_B (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, quad, N) result (Btheta)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: quad
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: Btheta
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_sky_comp_B
Compute B(theta) for Bianchi simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_IA (tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, quad_IAB, N, A_grid) result (IA)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_IAB
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: A_grid
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: IA
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_sky_comp_IA
Compute IA_l integral required in Bianchi simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function bianchi_sky_comp_IB (tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, quad_IAB, N, B_grid) result (IB)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_IAB
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: B_grid
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: IB
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_sky_comp_IB
Compute IB_l integral required in Bianchi simulation.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function bianchi_sky_integrand_A (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
end function bianchi_sky_integrand_A
Compute integrand of A integral.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_integrand_B (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
end function bianchi_sky_integrand_B
Compute integrand of B integral.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function bianchi_sky_integrand_IA (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, N, A_grid) result (integrand)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: A_grid
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_sky_integrand_IA
Compute integrand of IA_l integral.



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function bianchi_sky_integrand_IB (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, N, B_grid) result (integrand)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
    real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: B_grid
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
    ! Calls: bianchi_error
end function bianchi_sky_integrand_IB
Compute integrand of IB_l integral.



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private subroutine trapzd_a (func, tau0, theta0, h, a, b, s, n)
    interface func
        function func (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
            real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
        end function func
    end interface func
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: a
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: b
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(INOUT) :: s
    integer, intent(IN) :: n
end subroutine trapzd_a
Computes nth stage of refinement of extended trapezoidal rule. Adapted from numerical recipes for the application at hand. For use in computing integrals required to compute A(theta) and B(theta).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function qtrap_a (func, tau0, theta0, h, a, b) result (integral)
    interface func
        function func (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
            real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
        end function func
    end interface func
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: a
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: b
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integral
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, trapzd_a
end function qtrap_a
Computes the integral of the function func from a to b using the trapezoid method. Adapted from numerical recipes for the application at hand. For use in computing integrals required to compute A(theta) and B(theta).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function qsimp_a (func, tau0, theta0, h, a, b) result (integral)
    interface func
        function func (tau, tau0, theta0, h) result (integrand)
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
            real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
        end function func
    end interface func
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: a
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: b
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integral
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, trapzd_a
end function qsimp_a
Computes the integral of the function func from a to b using Simpson's rule. Adapted from numerical recipes for the application at hand. For use in computing integrals required to compute A(theta) and B(theta).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private subroutine trapzd_ia (func, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, a, b, s, n, N_quad)
    interface func
        function func (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad, N, AB_grid) result (integrand)
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
            integer, intent(in) :: l
            integer, intent(in) :: quad
            integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
            real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: AB_grid
            real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
        end function func
    end interface func
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: a
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: b
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(INOUT) :: s
    integer, intent(IN) :: n
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N_quad
end subroutine trapzd_ia
Computes nth stage of refinement of extended trapezoidal rule. Adapted from numerical recipes for the application at hand. For use in computing integrals IA_l and IB_l (although function name is only give the a subscript).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function qtrap_ia (func, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, a, b, N_quad) result (integral)
    interface func
        function func (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad, N, AB_grid) result (integrand)
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
            integer, intent(in) :: l
            integer, intent(in) :: quad
            integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
            real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: AB_grid
            real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
        end function func
    end interface func
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: a
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: b
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N_quad
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integral
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, trapzd_ia
end function qtrap_ia
Computes the integral of the function func from a to b using the trapezoid method. Adapted from numerical recipes for the application at hand. For use in computing integrals IA_l and IB_l (although function name is only give the a subscript).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 July 2005


private function qsimp_ia (func, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad_AB, a, b, N_quad) result (integral)
    interface func
        function func (theta, tauE, tau0, h, zE, c1, c3, l, quad, N, AB_grid) result (integrand)
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: theta
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
            real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
            integer, intent(in) :: l
            integer, intent(in) :: quad
            integer, optional, intent(in) :: N
            real (kind=s2_dp), optional, intent(in), dimension (0:) :: AB_grid
            real (kind=s2_dp) :: integrand
        end function func
    end interface func
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tauE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: tau0
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: h
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: zE
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c1
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: c3
    integer, intent(in) :: l
    integer, intent(in) :: quad_AB
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: a
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(IN) :: b
    integer, optional, intent(in) :: N_quad
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: integral
    ! Calls: bianchi_error, trapzd_ia
end function qsimp_ia
Computes the integral of the function func from a to b using Simpson's rule. Adapted from numerical recipes for the application at hand. For use in computing integrals IA_l and IB_l (although function name is only give the a subscript).



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function plgndr (l, m, x)
    integer :: l
    integer :: m
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: x
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: plgndr
end function plgndr
Computes the associated Legendre function for l and m. Adapted from numerical recipes



Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005


private function asinh (x) result (y)
    real (kind=s2_dp), intent(in) :: x
    real (kind=s2_dp) :: y
end function asinh
Implementation of asinh, since no intrinsic Fortran function.


Author: J. D. McEwen

Version: 0.1 June 2005